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Fill out both forms, then either email or fax them to us at the contact above.

Clinic registration form
Enity confidentiality form

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Holiday Season Storage and Handling Reminder

Holiday Season Storage and Handling Reminder

Holiday Season Storage and Handling Reminder

Ensure your vaccines stay properly monitored over the holiday season!

The Digital Data Loggers (DDLs) provided by PDPH have limited storage space and stop recording temperatures when full. If you are using one of these DDLs, please download your DDL files before the holidays if your office will close or you have limited availability. This may mean downloading your DDLs earlier than usual to ensure they continue recording temperature readings for your storage units into the new year. 

If your office will be closed for an extended time, you can reach out to our team to discuss temporarily storing your vaccine at our office for safekeeping. 

As a reminder, when sending in your data, please always: 

1) Email both your LTD (yellow and blue) and CSV (green) files to TempCheck@phila.gov

2) Upload your CSV files into the Clinic Tools module in PhilaVax 

If you need assistance or have additional questions, please get in touch with our Storage and Handling team at TempCheck@phila.gov.