Quick links

Secure login

Secure file transfer protocol

Register or renew user

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Register a clinic

Fill out both forms, then either email or fax them to us at the contact above.

Clinic registration form
Provider agreement form

On behalf of patients

Request or update record
Patient update request

Looking for something else?

PhilaVax program info
Flat file reporting guide
More PhilaVax resources

Help Us Improve Our Trainings

Help Us Improve Our Trainings

Help Us Improve Our Trainings

Are our trainings helpful for your clinic? Let us know how we can improve and share what you’d like to see from us in the future.

Many of you may be familiar with our provider training videos, which are available on our YouTube page. To improve the quality of our trainings, we are asking that you complete this short survey

Training Videos

Online Ordering & Clinic Tools Training 
Required Vaccine Webinars