Quick links

Secure login

Secure file transfer protocol

Register or renew user

Contact us

Trouble logging in? Forgot password? We can help!




Register a clinic

Fill out both forms, then either email or fax them to us at the contact above.

Clinic registration form
Enity confidentiality form

On behalf of patients

Patient update request

Looking for something else?

PhilaVax program info
Flat file reporting guide
More PhilaVax resources

Contact the Immunization Program!

Contact the Immunization Program!

Contact the Immunization Program!

The Immunization Program manages several email accounts to support providers and the public with immunization-related queries. Use this guide to determine who to contact based on the nature of your request:

PhilaVax@phila.gov: PhilaVax account support and technical issues (patient update requests, vaccine reporting questions, etc.)

Vaccines@phila.gov: General inquiries.

DPHProviderHelp@phila.gov: Medical provider assistance (Clinic Tools and inventory support, vaccine ordering and returns, reconciliation, staff changes, etc.)

TempCheck@phila.gov: Vaccine storage and handling inquiries (temperature logs, storage units, DDL technical problems, etc.)

Covidproviders@phila.gov: Adult COVID-19 provider questions and Bridge Access Program questions.

Prefer calling?

The following telephone and fax numbers are available for providers as well:

Storage and Handling
f 215.238.6948

f 215.238.6948

Thank you for keeping Philadelphia safe and healthy!