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Celebrating 30 Years of the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program

Celebrating 30 Years of the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program

We are thrilled to celebrate 30 years of the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program, and we couldn’t have done it without you. Over the past three decades, your work has been a vital part of this journey, some of you from the beginning! Your dedication has ensured that thousands of Philadelphians receive life-saving vaccines, regardless of their circumstances.

VFC is not just a program—it’s a family. Together, we have built a network of providers dedicated to protecting the health of children and their communities. Your efforts were especially integral to our recovery from the pandemic, ensuring that children remained vaccinated even during times of uncertainty. The trust you fostered and the care you provided helped rebuild confidence in healthcare and played a critical role in preventing the resurgence of preventable diseases as we emerged from the crisis.

Your partnership has helped to prevent outbreaks, strengthen public health, and promote healthcare equity.