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Beyfortus (Nirsevimab) Supply and Borrowing Update

Beyfortus (Nirsevimab) Supply and Borrowing Update

Beyfortus (Nirsevimab) Supply and Borrowing Update

The supply of nirsevimab allocated to the Vaccines For Children (VFC) program has been depleted. Therefore, no doses are available to order for the remainder of the 2023-2024 respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) season.

As we approach the end of the RSV season on March 31st, we urge all VFC sites to utilize any remaining doses of nirsevimab in stock. For those with nirsevimab doses on hand, we strongly recommend immunizing all eligible infants against RSV. Previous guidance to offer nirsevimab to all infants less than eight months of age and to high-risk infants 8-19 months of age should be followed. It is no longer necessary to prioritize or reserve doses.

To ensure that as many eligible infants as possible are immunized

  • Bidirectional borrowing of Beyfortus is permitted between now and March 31, 2024. 
  • VFC-provided doses can be administered to private and CHIP-insured patients. 
  • Private doses administered to VFC-eligible patients will be replaced. 
  • Doses borrowed during this time will be tracked for replacement in the fall. 
  • To borrow doses, reach out to Victor Obeck at victor.obeck@phila.gov. 
  • This supersedes previous messaging on borrowing.

Thank you for your continued efforts to ensure the timely and effective administration of vaccines. 

For further information or questions, reach out to Victor Obeck at victor.obeck@phila.gov.