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Author: Rishi Sharma

Save the Date! Join us for the Philadelphia Immunization Coalition's Fall 2023 Conference on Wednesday, October 4 from 9:00am - 3:30pm at College of Physicians (19 South 22nd Street). Our speakers will include Dr. Andrew Kroger (CDC) and Dr. Paul Offit (CHOP), among others to be announced. Topics...

COVID-19 Vaccine Commercialization Town Hall COVID-19 vaccine will soon be available for purchase on the commercial market and will be available to order through the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program. We will host 2 town halls tomorrow, August 10, to help with this transition. Commercialization of COVID-19 vaccines will transition vaccines previously purchased...

Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Shelf-Life Extension The FDA has approved Moderna’s request for a 3-month shelf-life extension (SLE) of all Moderna COVID-19 vaccines for under 6 years old. The relevant lot numbers are listed in the table below.  Moderna has updated their web-based Vial Expiration Checker tool to reflect the...

Back-to-School Immunization Resources The PDPH Immunization Program and the School District of Philadelphia (SDP) want to remind you that now is the time to prepare your patients for back-to-school. Pennsylvania law requires all students (K-12) to be vaccinated while attending school. Students that do not have...

COVID-19 Vaccine Commercialization COVID-19 vaccine will soon be available for purchase on the commercial market and will be available to order through the Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program. We have created an FAQ and will host town halls to help with this transition. Commercialization of COVID-19 vaccines will transition...

Updated Moderna Expiration All orders for COVID-19 vaccine must be placed by this Thursday, August 3. As a reminder, this Thursday, August 3 is the last day to order COVID-19 vaccine. Sites should order enough vaccine to last through August and September. Moderna vaccine may arrive short...

Return Expired Doses of Flu Today! All VFC/VFAAR influenza vaccine supplied by the Philadelphia Immunization Program during the 2022-2023 flu season has expired. Please account for unused VFC/VFAAR flu vaccine at your site using PhilaVax: Process a return for the unopened vials online in the Vaccines Returns module....

Update to the Naloxone Stocking Requirement To our pharmacy partners: It has come to our attention that an agency with which we subcontract for educational activities related to the naloxone stocking requirement has been visiting some local pharmacies and behaving in a way that is not consistent...

Developments in RSV Biologics Respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV, is a negative-sense, single-stranded RNA virus. It is a common respiratory virus that usually causes mild, cold-like symptoms. In most regions of the United States, RSV season starts in the fall and peaks in the winter.   Although most...

Interested in the COVID-19 Bridge Program? The Immunization Program will soon be launching a new vaccine program called the Bridge Program. Read on for more information, and complete the interest form below by July 14th! The Bridge Program is a COVID-19 vaccine program for uninsured and underinsured adults 19 years...