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Contact PhilaVax




Contact for PhilaVax account support and technical issues (patient update requests, vaccine reporting questions, etc.)


PhilaVax (formerly known as the KIDS Plus IIS) is the Philadelphia Department of Public Health’s immunization information system (IIS). PhilaVax meets the guidelines for immunization information system functionality developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

PhilaVax requires providers to report at least once a month to ensure accurate and up-to-date data.

The Philadelphia Board of Health has issued regulations that mandate reporting of immunization data on all immunizations administered to all individuals in the city of Philadelphia to a citywide immunization information system.

What can PhilaVax do for my practice?

By consolidating immunization records, an IIS helps us increase and sustain immunization coverage rates. Using PhilaVax, you can:

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PhilaVax clinic requirements & data reporting


Read more about the city’s health code. And read about PDPH regulations governing immunization and treatment of newborns, children and adolescents.

PhilaVax requires providers to report at least once a month to ensure accurate and up-to-date data. There are several ways in which providers can report data to PhilaVax:

Electronic reporting

Electronic reporting reduces workload, and submitting data this way results in rapid access to data for reports and patient search.

Emr or billing extracts

Extract data from a billing, electronic medical record (EMR), or electronic health record (EHR) system. Submit files in csv, xls, and txt formats to PhilaVax via the Philadelphia Secure File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) Website.

HL7 reporting

Format data in HL7 messaging format and transmit data to PhilaVax through SFTP or SOAP web services. PhilaVax currently supports HL7 2.5.1 batch, real-time uni-directional and bi-directional messaging.

Manual reporting

PhilaVax is no longer enrolling new sites as manual reporters. Sites that still report manually can submit paper reporting forms either via secure fax to 215-238-6944 or by mail to PhilaVax, 1101 Market Street, 12th floor, Philadelphia PA, 19107.

Contact VFC & VFAAR




Contact with questions about vaccine orders, vaccine management, and enrollment in our programs.

Contact storage & handling



Contact with vaccine storage and handling inquiries (temperature logs, storage units, DDL technical problems, etc.)

Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program

The Vaccines for Children (VFC) Program allows enrolled health care providers to give free, federally purchased immunizations to eligible children younger than 19. The intent is to remove cost as a barrier from receiving timely immunizations. VFC is considered one of our nation’s most successful public-private partnerships for improving public health.

View VFC sites in Philadelphia:

Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR) Program

The Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR) Program makes vaccine available to providers throughout Philadelphia who serve uninsured adults at high-risk for vaccine preventable diseases. VFAAR provides enrolled providers with federally purchased vaccine at no cost. Enrolled health care providers then administer these vaccines to eligible individuals at no out-of-pocket cost.

Why should my clinic enroll in VFC or VFAAR?

By removing financial barriers to immunization for both patients and providers, 
the VFC & VFAAR programs:

  • Facilitate timely and age-appropriate immunizations for children and adults
  • Reduce referrals to public clinics for immunizations
  • Allow patients to choose where they go for comprehensive care
  • Make it easier to provide high quality care to patients

Keep Philadelphia healthy. Enroll today!

Contact Mpox

Danny Reed
Mpox Coordinator


Mpox Program

The Mpox Program allows health care providers to give mpox vaccine to uninsured adult patients at no cost. The intent is to remove cost as a barrier for Philadelphians who may be at risk of exposure.

Learn more about vaccine eligibility, inventory management, and administration.

Read the latest on mpox

Interested in becoming an mpox provider?

Click the button below to get started.

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Contact Community Flu Clinic



Community Flu Clinics (CFC)

The Philadelphia Immunization Program coordinates a citywide Community-Based Influenza Vaccine Campaign for adults each year starting in October. The program vaccinates adults ages 19 and older who do not have health insurance and have no alternative source for medical care, or who are unable to access their usual source of care.

By raising awareness about the importance of annual seasonal flu vaccines and increasing flu vaccinations in Philadelphia’s adult, uninsured population, we aim to decrease flu illness and complications.

How can I hold a Community Flu Clinic?

To participates, sites must:

  • Attend an online Community Flu Clinic training
  • Be approved by the Community Flu Clinic Coordinator

The site of the flu clinic must be open to the community. Only uninsured adult residents of Philadelphia who are age 19 and older may receive a dose of flu vaccine or the services to vaccinate campaign participants.

Interested community members should reach out to Lyn Jordan at lyn.jordan@phila.gov.

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Contact Community Based Outreach

Tanya Jones
CBO Coordinator


Contact Community Outreach & Engagement

Aleah McKenzie
Community Outreach and Engagement Coord.


Community Based Outreach (CBO)

Our Community Based Outreach team helps keep children, their families, and their communities safe by explaining the importance of vaccinations and informing them what vaccinations are required for daycare and public school enrollment.

We contact parents of infants whose immunization history is not recorded in the PhilaVax IIS and help them get connected to care.

Our outreach team is here to support schools and daycare facilities by providing them the information and tools needed to stay compliant with city and state immunization laws.

Childcare facility immunization requirements

The City of Philadelphia passed a Board of Health requirement in 2019 that requires all children ages 6 months to 5 years of age, who attend any public or private childcare group setting, to receive one dose of a licensed influenza (flu) vaccine.

Additionally child care providers must ensure that all children enrolled in their care receive all routinely recommended vaccines as detailed in the Recommended Childhood and Adolescent Immunization Schedule.

Community Outreach & Engagement

Community Outreach and Enagagement works to engage and educate diverse communities across the city of Philadelphia to promote immunization awareness, access, and uptake.

Through collaborative partnerships, we strive to build trust, address barriers, and empower individuals to make informed decisions about immunizations for the collective well-being of our community.

By fostering a culture of health equity and inclusivity, we aim to maximize immunization coverage, reduce disparities, and safeguard public health against vaccine-preventable diseases.

Services we offer:

Please reach out to aleah.mckenzie@phila.gov to inquire about other services.