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Join Our Programs!

The Vaccines for Children (VFC) and Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR) programs allow enrolled health care providers to give free immunizations to eligible children and adults. The intent is to remove cost as a barrier from receiving timely immunizations.

By enrolling in either program you will be able to vaccinate more people and help keep Philadelphia safe.

Get started with VFC and VFAAR

1. Sign up for PhilaVax

First, you and your clinic’s Medical Director will need to make individual PhilaVax accounts.

Then, you need to register your clinic or practice in PhilaVax.

Learn more about the PhilaVax program.

2. Enroll your clinic in our programs through PhilaVax

Ensure that all of your clinic’s information is accurate and up to date in PhilaVax.

Make sure that each staff member has all of the required information based on their contact type.

All prescribing clinicians (i.e. MD, DO, PA, NP, CRNP) at your site need to be added as a Physician Contact.

Necessary information for enrollment

You will need the patient population for your site over the last 12 months to complete the enrollment form.

Illustration of a clinic

VFC providers will need separate counts of children ages < 1; 1 – 6; and 7 – 18 in each of these categories:

  • Native American or Alaska Native
  • Uninsured
  • Enrolled in Medicaid
  • Under-insured (FQHCs only)
  • Not VFC eligible (has private or CHIP health insurance)

VFAAR providers will need separate counts of insured and uninsured adults in the following age categories:

  • 19 – 26
  • 27 – 49
  • 50 – 64
  • 65+

Fill out the clinic enrollment form in PhilaVax

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We’ll contact you if there are any issues with your site’s enrollment form.

  • If it says rejected, review the comments from our staff, address any issues, and resubmit the form.
  • Once the form is approved, print a copy for your records.
  • If you need assistance, reach out to dphproviderhelp@phila.gov

3. Complete the required trainings

The vaccine coordinator and back-up vaccine coordinator will need to complete the following online trainings.

CDC: You Call the Shots

Record completed trainings in PhilaVax

Online ordering training playlist

Storage & Handling: DDL training

4. Get storage units and monitoring equipment approved

Ensure that your storage units meet the Immunization Program’s vaccine storage unit requirements.

  • Outlets and plugs of your vaccine storage units
  • Room the storage units are inside of
  • Inside and outside of the fridge and freezer

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Send pictures of the following for each prospective storage unit to tempcheck@phila.gov:

  • Outlets and plugs of the unit.
  • Must have “Do not unplug” stickers above the outlet and on the cord.
    Order stickers for free!
  • Room the unit is inside.
  • Inside and outside of the unit.
  • Must show probe placed in the center of the middle shelf.
  • Filled out first page of your vaccine management plan.
  • Attached to unit and visible to staff.
  • Supplies that you’ve gathered for emergency transport.


Proper storage is required to keep vaccine at the correct temperature and viable

Thermometer Icon

Passive and active temperature monitoring is required and must be reported regularly


Prepare for an emergency event that might affect your vaccine supply, such as a power outage

VFC and VFAAR clinic requirements

1. Comply with the ACIP Immunization Schedule

  • Comply with the current schedules, dosages, and contraindications as established by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP).
  • Maintain a supply of all the ACIP recommended vaccines for the population you serve.

*Doses not given at the recommended age should be given at any future visit using the catch-up schedule as a guide

2. Financial responsibility

Since both programs are federally funded, vaccine wasted through negligence must be replaced on a dose-per-dose basis.

By enrolling in either the VFC or VFAAR program your office agrees to not:

  • Charge for VFC/VFAAR vaccine.
  • Impose a vaccine administration fee higher than the fee cap established by the Center for Medicaid and Medicare Services (CMS) and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which is currently $23.14 per vaccine.
  • Deny federally purchased vaccines to an established patient who is unable to pay the vaccine administration fee.
  • VFC only: Charge a vaccine administration fee to non-Medicaid insured VFC-eligible children that exceeds the federal administration fee cap. For Medicaid VFC-eligible children, the provider must accept the reimbursement for vaccination set by the state Medicaid agency or the contracted Medicaid health plans.

3. Participate in site visits

The Philadelphia VFC and VFAAR programs conducts site visits with enrolled provider sites to ensure compliance.

  • Providers should expect a visit from VFC/VFAAR staff at least once per year.
  • Depending on the type of visit, some preparation may be required of the provider/staff prior to the visit.

4. Maintain a supply of vaccines on-hand

Providers are responsible for ordering and maintaining appropriate amounts of vaccine for the number of eligible patients seen by their practice.

  • Vaccine inventory is tracked by the completion of monthly reconciliations.
  • Reconciliation means keeping track of your vaccine inventory in PhilaVax which documents vaccine doses that have been administered, returned, or adjusted due to wastage.
  • Learn more about vaccine reconciliation and ordering.

5. Separate vaccines by funding source

Private, VFC, and VFAAR vaccine can not be used interchangeably.

  • Clearly label VFC and VFAAR vaccine to distinguish them from each other and privately purchased vaccine.
  • When you receive vaccine shipments, label them as you unpack and store them.
  • You can request VFC and VFAAR stickers at no cost from us on our free handouts & materials page.

6. Screen patients’ eligibility at each visit

In order to properly distribute resources, it is crucial to make sure only VFC eligible patients are getting VFC vaccine, and only VFAAR eligible patients are getting VFAAR vaccine.

  • VFC only: Eligibility must be recorded for each patient at every visit and saved for at least three (3) years in one of the following ways:
  • Enter their insurance information in your EHR/EMR.
  • Photocopy the patient’s insurance card and note the date the photocopy was made.
  • Complete the VFC screening form.
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While Medicaid-insured children are eligible for VFC, those insured by CHIP are not.

These insurance cards can look similar. Our guide provides examples of Medicaid cards versus CHIP cards: VFC eligibility screening guide.