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Available flu vaccine for 2024-2025

Vaccines for Children (VFC)

Product Manufacture/NDC Eligibility Dose / Presentation / Type CPT Code CVX Code Available
Flulaval GSK, 19515-0810-52 6 mos – 18 years 0.5 mL / Single-dose syringe / inactivated, trivalent 90656 140 Yes
Flucelvax* Sequirus, 704641-0654-03 6 mos – 18 years 0.5 mL / Single-dose syringe / inactivated, trivalent 90661 153 Yes
Fluzone Sanofi, 49281-0641-15 6 mos – 18 years 0.5 mL / 5.0 mL multi-dose vial / inactivated, trivalent 90658 141 Yes
FluMist AstraZeneca, 66019-0311-10 2 – 18 years 0.2 mL / intranasal spray 90660 111 Yes

*A limited supply of Flucelvax is available to order for your VFC eligible patients who have egg allergies or request an egg-free flu vaccine.

Vaccines for Adults at Risk (VFAAR)

Product Manufacture/NDC Eligibility Dose / Presentation / Type CPT Code CVX Code Available
Fluarix GSK, 58160-0884-52 19 years & older 0.5 mL / Single-dose syringe / inactivated, trivalent 90656 140 Yes
Flucelvax* Sequirus, 704641-0654-03 19 years & older 0.5 mL / Single-dose syringe / inactivated, trivalent 90661 153 Yes

*A limited supply of Flucelvax is available to order for your VFAAR eligible patients who have egg allergies or request an egg-free flu vaccine.