COVID-19 Vaccine
Minimum Ordering Quantity Reduction
Minimum Ordering Quantity Reduction
The minimum order quantity for bivalent Moderna 6mo – 5yr old (NDC 80777-0283-99) vaccine is being reduced to 20 doses per order. As a reminder, one carton of this vaccine contains 20 doses in 10 two-dose vials.
Because ancillary supplies are packed well in advance of demand, they will continue to be shipped in minimum quantities to support 100 administrations per kit with this product. If you have sufficient supplies to support administration of the doses you order, we recommend opting out of receiving ancillary kits when placing orders for Moderna bivalent pediatric vaccines.Moderna Monovalent Products Set to Expire
Moderna Monovalent Products Set to Expire
PDPH has some important updates to share regarding Moderna COVID-19 vaccines. Moderna-10 and Moderna-5 monovalent products for individuals aged 6 and older are set to expire in early April. There will not be any additional shelf-life extensions for these products.
The Moderna 6-11 and 12+ monovalent products ordered in the next few weeks will be short-dated, with expirations in early April.
Providers will need to order monovalent vaccines produced by Pfizer (ages 6 and older) and Novavax (ages 12 and older) to begin and complete primary series for their patient populations.
PDPH will accept orders for Moderna monovalent vaccines through March 8 to support primary series vaccinations. After March 8, providers will need to order alternative vaccines from Pfizer (ages 6 and older) and Novavax (aged 12 and older) for individuals seeking monovalent, primary series vaccines.
In anticipation of the upcoming expiration of Moderna’s monovalent vaccines for people ages 6 and older, providers should be aware that depending on the date of the first Moderna dose, the same product may not be available to complete the primary series. In this case, a different COVID-19 vaccine may be administered to complete the primary series at a minimum interval of 28 days from the last COVID-19 vaccine dose.
Please read CDC guidance on interchanging COVID-19 vaccines here.
The U.S. government has an ample supply of monovalent vaccines produced by Pfizer (ages 6 and older) and Novavax (ages 12 and older) to begin and complete their primary series.
In summary:
- All Moderna adult (12+) and pediatric (6-11) monovalent COVID-19 vaccines will reach their expiry in early April.
- Moderna is not seeking a shelf-life extension for these vaccines.
- Ordering for Moderna adult (12+) and pediatric (6-11) monovalent COVID-19 vaccines will end on March 8.
- Ordering for Moderna bivalent vaccines for all age groups will remain available.
- Pfizer (12+ and 5-11) and Novavax (12+) monovalent vaccines remain available for ordering for primary series vaccination. There is ample supply of both products, and providers can order additional supply.
COVID Updates: Enrollment & VaccineFinder Inventory
COVID Updates: Enrollment & VaccineFinder Inventory
Starting March 1, 2023, the COVID program will no longer be enrolling any new providers as we near the end of the public health emergency on May 11, 2023. We apologize for any inconvenience and will reach out again if there are any changes.
VaccineFinder: Report Expired and Depleted Inventory
Reporting your vaccine stock in VaccineFinder is critical to the management of your inventory. This informs the public that you have vaccine available and assures them that the information they see in VaccineFinder represents your available vaccine selections. Help prevent vaccine inventory misinformation in your community by reporting inventory on hand. Zero out inventory in VaccineFinder when you no longer offer it at your site.
Providers who are enrolled in the COVID-19 Vaccination Program are required to report to VaccineFinder on a weekly basis. Please ensure that your inventory is being updated weekly even if no vaccine was administered during that timeframe. Lack of adherence to this requirement can result in your site’s next vaccine order being rejected. If your staff does not have access to the VaccineFinder system or has further questions, please reach out to for further assistance.
January Provider Training Schedule
January Provider Training Schedule
PDPH offers monthly virtual trainings for interested vaccine providers. View the schedule and sign up for trainings at the links below.
COVID-19 Clinical Rounds for Providers
Tuesday, January 10, 2023, from 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm
This presentation will be conducted by one of PDPH’s clinicians and will include general COVID updates and the most recent FDA/ACIP recommendations for COVID-19 vaccinations.
Storage & Handling Training
Wednesday, January 11, 2023, from 10:00 am – 11:00 am
This presentation will include the most recent storage and handling updates, as well as a review of best practices.
Online Ordering Training
Thursday, January 12, 2023, from 10:00 am – 11:00 am
This presentation will include the most recent Clinic Tools and Inventory managing updates, as well as a live, step-by-step example.
Vaccine Safety Monitoring Systems Training
Wednesday, January 25, 2023, from 9:00 am – 9:30 am
This training includes an overview of the current monitoring systems in place (VAERS, V-Safe, VSD, CISA), an explanation of how to utilize these resources in your practice, and examples of reportable events.
If you can’t attend these trainings this month, they will recur in February. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to
Moderna & Pfizer Shelf-Life Extensions
Moderna & Pfizer Shelf-Life Extensions
- Moderna has now received shelf-life extensions of all wave 1 and wave 2 monovalent COVID-19 vaccines (complete list below).
- Some of the lots below are MOD 10 (ages 12+) and some are MOD 5 (ages 6-11). All Moderna lots that have received shelf-life extensions are for primary series use only.
- Please use the Moderna Vial Expiration Checker to check expiration dates.
- Pfizer has received shelf-life extensions of all TRIS products (i.e., all mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, including both monovalent and bivalent vaccines).
- Expiration is now 18 months from the date of manufacture (stored ULT frozen).
- Please use the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Expiry tool to check expiration dates.
- Practice first in/first out inventory management.
- Store older vaccines to the front of the refrigerator or freezer unit.
- Continually monitor vaccines to help reduce administration errors.
- Verify expiry dates using the manufacturers’ online checkers:
- Pfizer:
- Moderna:
- Novavax:
- Johnson and Johnson/Janssen:
- Dispose of any expired vaccine according to state and local regulations.
- Update/zero out inventory in VaccineFinder to avoid turning away customers. CDC’s COVID-19 Vaccine Lot Number and Expiration Date Report:
Under 5 Pfizer and Under 6 Moderna Bivalent Vaccines
Under 5 Pfizer and Under 6 Moderna Bivalent Vaccines
Vaccine Ordering:
Bivalent Pfizer 6 months – 4 years and bivalent Moderna 6 months – 5 years is now available for ordering in PhilaVax. The minimum ordering quantity for these products is 100 doses. The bivalent 6 month – 4 year Pfizer vaccine can be found on the second page.
Bivalent Moderna 6 months – 5 years will be packaged in two dose vials. Please remember to check NDC numbers to ensure that you are ordering the correct product.
Pfizer 6 months – 4 years Bivalent NDC: 59267-0609-02
Moderna 6 months – 5 years Bivalent NDC: 80777-0283-99
Bivalent 6 months – 4 year Pfizer:
- The new bivalent Pfizer 6 months – 4 years product is NOT A BOOSTER, but is the new third dose of the primary series.
- Children 6 months through 4 years who have completed the monovalent Pfizer 3 dose series are currently not authorized to receive a booster dose of any COVID product.
- Children aged 5 years who complete the Pfizer primary series may receive a bivalent Pfizer 5-11 booster dose.
Bivalent 6 months – 5 year Moderna:
- The new bivalent Moderna 6 months through 5 years product is approved as a booster dose for children 6 months through 4 years who have completed the Moderna Monovalent series only.
- Children aged 5 years and older who complete the Moderna primary series may receive one Moderna or Pfizer age appropriate bivalent booster dose.
To view all updates, please visit:
- CDC’s Interim Clinical Considerations for Use of COVID-19 Vaccines
- Pfizer Bivalent 6 months – 4 years EUA for Parents & Caregivers
- Pfizer Bivalent 6 months – 4 years EUA for Healthcare Providers
- Moderna Bivalent 6 months – 5 years EUA for Parents & Caregivers
- Moderna Bivalent 6 months – 5 years EUA for Healthcare Providers
Moderna Shelf-Life Extensions
Moderna Shelf-Life Extensions
FDA has approved a shelf-life extension for the following Moderna monovalent products. Below, find a table with updated expiration dates for the specific lots impacted by the extension.
With the Moderna Vial Expiration Checker, Moderna also allows vaccine providers to look up expiration dates by lot number, which includes the new expiration dates listed above. To find the expiration date, locate the lot number printed on the carton and/or vial and enter it into the lot number search field on the website, then press “submit.”
When checking existing vaccine inventory, be sure to apply these new expiration dates.
For additional information, view the CDC overview of Moderna vaccine.
Shelf Life Extensions on Moderna and Pfizer Products
Shelf Life Extensions on Moderna and Pfizer Products
Expiration dates of the following monovalent Moderna 10 products have been extended:
Moderna has verified the new expiration dates above and updated the Moderna Vial Expiration Checker. Additionally, Pfizer will be sending out short dated products and advises to hold on to products expiring soon in anticipation of a shelf life extension. If you have Pfizer vaccine products expiring soon set these aside and label them as “Do Not Use” until further information is received. This extension will be in reference to expiration dates only. BUD labels should still be monitored and disposed of once no longer viable.